CEMTPP sponsors research on current energy and marine transportation issues. The
research includes scholarly work done within the Center as well as collaborations
with other activities at the University, including those of the Earth Institute;
Columbia Business School; Columbia Law School; and The Fu Foundation School
of Engineering and Applied Science.
Opportunities are also provided for students to undertake research projects
with the guidance of CEMTPP faculty:
The Workshop in International Energy Management
and Policy is a required component of the IEMP curriculum in which
students perform research as part of consulting engagements for real-world
clients. In 2004, work done for the United Nations Development
Program resulted in a UN-published report entitled, "Achieving the Millenium
Development Goals: The Role of Energy Services - Case Studies from Brazil,
Mali and the Philippines." The report is available at the UNDP
web site or here.
The Student Energy Research Fellowship, awarded
to two students each term, is a semester-long program of research and writing
on topics of current interest in the energy sector.